Tuesday 16 June 2009


Far be it from me to moan, but I dread this time of year when the news or sports programmes come on. We have relentless coverage of the pre- Wimbledon ' will XYZ British star will Wimbledon this year??'. The pre- tournament hype is relentless: this year Andy Murray, previously Tim Henman, John Lloyd, Sue Barker.... the list goes on. It really is deadly.
I am patriotic and would love to see a British win, but my life will go on if it doesn't happen. Really. It's fine.

The media start this incessant hype every year and the nearer it gets the more intense the nonsense becomes. It puts me off watching the tournament at all: at least if I don't switch on I don't have to suffer the continual speculating and interviewing of 'experts' and past coaches.

For those of you who enjoy tennis, I hope you enjoy Wimbledon. Me? I will be somewhere in a dark corner poking myself in the eye with a plastic daffodil. I have had enough sporting misery watching Newcastle United all these years.


Jinksy said...

No love match here then?! :)

Bernard said...

I agree with you.
I know it may sound unkind...but as a gardener...I used to pray for rain during Wimbledon weeks.
The BBC now get round this by recording all matches on all courts so they can keep up their relentless non-stop coverage!
Don't poke your eye out....do a bit of gardening.

Marian Dean said...

You will find me in the corner with you with ditto plastic daffodil!!!
My sister talks of nothing else when 'It' is on, I yawn through our weekly Skype.

Husband-that-I-love-really is also a pain.
Sorry to all the avid fans... but Yawnnnnnnn!

Love Granny

Bragger said...

I love watching Wimbledon here in the US. I can't get enough of it. But I can see what you mean about being inundated....

Expat mum said...

Oh don't be such a Debbie Downer (new American phrase I have just started using!).
Wimbledon brings back memories - of working in the umpires' restaurant the year that McEnroe lost his temper and called the ump the "pits of the earth" or something. The poor guy (the ump) was really quite shaken by the whole thing!

Gberger said...

May I add that I find most sports commentary to be awfully inane, and to distract from the simple enjoyment of watching the sport? I think it's best to turn the volume down to 1 (so that the closed captioning doesn't mar the view of the action), and then watch in peace.
FYI: baseball is a horrible sport for commentary, because part of the fascination for lots of people (NOT me) is the statistics. Oh, my goodness, a sport only a mathematician could love!

Decadent Housewife said...

I'm with you on sports reporting.

Foody said...

I feel much the same. Fed up of my programmes getting postponed and cancelled just because of sport.
Please don't sit in a dark corner. Go outside and sit in the sun (if it lasts - ha ha - with Wimbledon starting it's doomed) with your plastic daffodil.
Btw, I saw your blog on "The Organ Grinder's Monkey". Good luck with your MA. I did my postgrad stuff later in life too, by distance learning.

Cindy said...

A plastic daffodil, that is what I need. my husband is a sport fanatic, hockey, baseball, football, golf.....when I met him he told me he does not watch much tv. But he could watch sports 24/7,..take care, cinner

mrsnesbitt said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm the hype! The price of strawberries too!

Anonymous said...

You need more than a plastic daffodil these days!

I don't watch it either, never liked it at school or ever since. To delicate a game for me.

Not like the roughy toughy-ness of the championship eh?

Got a spare daffodil stalk?

Robin said...

ha ha ha....poking yourself in the eye with a daffodil.

Anonymous said...

Ah, well if you're going to be poked in the eye at least it's with a pretty flower. I'm going to remember that image for when life kind of feels like it's poking me in the eye.

cheshire wife said...

Wimbledon is part of our British summer, ha ha. But seriously it is the taking part that counts not the winning.

Loopin said...

I'll be off and able to watch/endure Wimbledon. I don't care for Murray, about whom there will be endless speculation, especially as defending champion Nadal is out!
I dare say I will find other things to do if it all gets too much!
Radio commentary is always better than tv. If I can get sound and pictures lined up, it will be perfect!

Aimz said...

hi JO, thanks for your comment at my blog, yep I can understand what you meant about politicians, I sometimes wonder the same thing myself *sigh*