I know, I know it has been a bit of a long time no blog situation. In fact, I can hardly believe it is nearly March already. I haven't been posting very much at all. What has been going on Chez Lakeland Jo?
Looking at this picture ( taken September 2009) of other half and teenager, it is obvious lots has been going on ... for a start teenager is pretty much the same height as dad now!
Since January I have been struggling with sciatica. It is the most miserable condition. Are you familiar with it? I hope not but I believe it is very common. It started just before Christmas and got really bad during January and February. I enlisted the help of an osteopath to start with, and now I am seeing a sports therapist regularly and that has worked really well. It has made a big difference. His advice though was to go to a bio mechanical podiatrist. I am flat footed, uneven shouldered,and walk like a drunken sailor, which is apparently putting strain on my whole system, especially by back. Hence the pain and problems!
I need to get orthotics in my shoes, I need to work on my core strength. I need to improve my ( non-existent) fitness, and I need to lose more weight.
So, I am going to take Fridays off from now on. Having our own ( expanding) business this is a big and significant move. However, I need to be fit and healthy on the four days I am working, and investing time and energy on my body on Fridays seems like a damned good idea. So I am going to have a gentle gym session, some sports therapy, some fresh air and some pampering. That will be my Fridays from now on, and I will let you know how I get on.
So, managing my lack of sleep and the constant pain has battered both time and the creative muse. Hopefully I will be a more consistent blogger from now on. If we get some lovely spring weather now ( after the worst winter certainly in my memory) I will be flying.
Happy Spring to you all