For those of you reading with small children- enjoy them- it passes very quickly!
Tomorrow we are off to Edinburgh for a couple of days. We are staying in apartments. Other half and I will be there Monday and Tuesday but teenager will stay up there til Friday. He is staying with his school friend and parents who are up there all week. On Tuesday we are going out for dinner all parents together. Another family who we know are up there as well, another school friend of Pete's. The three teens want to go out on their own- parents left to drink wine.... someone has to do it.
I can't believe how little I have blogged so far this year. It has been very hectic with one thing and another. Mostly in a good way. Lots of business, interesting developments all over the place, mum's flooded bathroom sorted out ( and it looks lovely). Bad points- endlessly cold weather, bad ice, car problems ( don't get me started) and sciatica. What a nightmare that is. If you haven't heard of it-----------it's a horrible bad back condition.
Overall though this year is shaping to be a good one. Just need a few daffodils, and we will be all sorted!
Your boy really favors you in this pic. :o)
Our weather is cold and icky again. Snow showers tonight, but hopefully no accumulation. We'll see.
Enjoy your week, Jo. :o)
Love and hugs,
I agree, this year is going to be full of daffodils and people who study them :). Enjoy Edinburgh! Such a beautiful place.
enjoy your mini break......
Gill in Canada
Thirteen I remember it well, 1953!
A truly exciting age with all in front of him.
Awesome header pic and your boy does favor you!
Hope all is well with you and have an awesome week
Lots of love to you
Well, you]'re certainly in the right place for daffodils!
thanks for your comments about Facebook, and I won't become addicted...LOL
Gill in Canada
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