Sunday 31 August 2008

Toon Army and the mighty Shay Given

Not strictly Lake District but felt I needed to say a few words about the my favourite goalkeeper, and favourite football team Newcastle United. I am sad that rumours persist about the morale at the club and I hope it is all rumours: we have had enough trouble to last a lifetime!
Losing to Arsenal yesterday wasn't our finest hour ( and a half) but the season has been pretty good so far, and we have a shed-load of injuries.
Here's hoping for a good run this season: as long as there are plenty of goals and plenty of effort the fans are kept happy I think.
Teenager and I need all the good luck we can get: the other half is a Manchester United fan, and you know how modest they are. Yawn. Keep eating the prawn sandwiches lads... we stay black and white all the way.

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