When I wrote the earlier post I hadn't opened the curtains. It has been snowing and the roads are thick with snow and ice. Roads to Sharrow Bay are narrow and steep, and the traffic reports are not inspiring.
While we were mulling over options ( not easy with the din of teenager jumping about saying 'school will be closed SURELY!).... Sharrow Bay called to say their kitchens are closed because of some disaster or another ( flooding I think they said?). So- the lovely lunch is off.
I have persuaded other half that this is just a universal message to tell us not to do lunch, but to do dinner and a stayover on a different date....much better. At the moment he doesn't look too convinced. The food is great at SB.
Teenager arrived at school half an hour late at nine. School is open. I told him that all his friends would be there, and there would be no-one to snowball fight with here. This seemed to cheer him a little... a little....
So, a change of plan is afoot based on road conditions. Will let you know. In the meantime, above are some pictures of our frosty snowy world ( outside our front window).
Lovely snowy photos! Sharrow Bay...gosh...very posh...let us know how it goes!
Oh wow, that looks gorgeous. I'm over here from Hadriana's as I am just SO excited that someone else knows (and loves) Three Kings from Persian Lands Afar..... Ok, it's sad but I just adore that carol. We used to sing it at school with another carol laid over the top (can't remember which one that was) and it was spine-tingling.
No snow on Exmoor - well not this bit though the tops might have some. Just ice and VERY cold.
Hi there..just popped over from Raina's blog. Shame you couldn't get up to Sharrow Bay but Kirkstone pass would definitely have been a bit dicey I think! :)
We ended up in Marks and Spencer for a coffee, and then pizza express for a snack lunch. Not quite what other half was expecting.... but we enjoyed ourselves just the same. Especially me- I got my xmas present and a new glittery top (for a party on Thursday night).
Weather still atrocious.
Amanda- kirkstone pass is actually closed! That was our first problem...
Exmoor Jane- glad you like that carol too. I just love the whole idea of the three wise men- its my favourite part of the Christmas story. I was a wise man in the nativity once ( until I became the narrator for three years running because I was supposedly a good reader- but we had to wear uniform,,, and everyone else got to dress up....
Brrrr! Looks beatiful though. I'm glad your day wasn't a total loss. Stay safe and warm, Jo.
Cor, looks a bit different than in July!
Hi. Thanks for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a lovely comment.
Gosh, but your part of the world looks pretty.
I've had a good mooch through your blog - shocking football teams your family supports ... I'm a Villa girl all the way ;-)
Take care :-)
hi, you keep leaving comments and l see you on Haddys blog a lot..you look so familiar to me...could we have met? and have you been into tullie house recently?? love the blog!!
Hi, just found your blog & love the pics. The Lakes are one of my favourite places, I spent many holidays on my Uncles farm there as a kid. Happy times.
Thank you for visiting my blog.
Those photos do look wintery! We have not had snow here. Just a lot of rain and it is very cold. The cold weather is one of the down sides to having a birthday in December. Hope you can re-arrange the visit to Sharrow Bay and Happy Birthday to your husband.
FF and F. I am not sure if we have met. Perhaps if we both live in Cumbria. I haven't been in Tullie House recently ( perhaps at all in fact- must rectify). Could it be through work. I do a lot of work in the NHS- does that fit?
We are sure to figure it out!
The photos are beautiful, Jo! I love to see beautiful snow pictures. As long as the snow is somewhere else, and not here!
If I had plans to go out and the snow was going to stop me, I would be pretty bummed out! I enjoy going out to eat, or for coffee, or on a shopping trip to a bookstore. But I'm going on and on.
I enjoyed this post!
damn snow. it ruins everything.
sorry you had to forfeit your lovely lunch. but glad you got your xmas pressie. :-))
Snow always looks very picturesque but I'm sure you would rather be without it - especially when it upsets such plans. We are lucky in our part of the world and rarely see a snowflake!
Hope the celebrations went well.
PS - thanks for your visit to my blog.
PPS - I believe you are right about the Christmas Cactus.
my mother went to Sharrow Bay for afternoon tea, on her birthday the other year, she loved it. It's so expensive though? Would love to stay there a night though....
GTBW- an overnight stay is wonderful. A real treat. We stay in Bank House which is a property owned by the hotel which is about quarter of a mile away, with wonderful views, and so quiet. I recommend!
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