Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle and the life of the candle will not be shortened
- Buddha
- Buddha
As with the Buddha's candle, your knowledge, wisdom, enthusiasm and happiness will never be decreased by sharing them with others. Quite the opposite: As you share your "light" then everyone, including yourself, will be better illuminated.
May I invite you to take a few minutes over the coming holiday period to reflect on how you have spread your light over the past year. More importantly, how are you going to pass it on even further in 2009?
lovely ...need to think about that one..
sorry to hear about our son leaving for 10 weeks how does that work...gosh l dont think l could bear it...if only the thought of his safe return..
What a lovely post. Amen to all that. x
this is lovely and something for ME to ponder...what can I do better this coming year? share more of myself with others.....open my heart a bit more....can I give more to my family? YES.
I too need to think about it as well......
This is wonderful! Not enough time is spent on this "contribution of one's life" to those around you. A great reminder for all us. Thank you!
A great reminder for all of us, indeed!
Blessings for the new year, Jo!
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