Tuesday 28 April 2009

Beady eye?

For those readers with beady eyes you may be a bit suspicious about the fact you haven't heard a thing recently about............

1. my diet

2. the university course: my MA in religious studies at Lancaster.

So, I got weighed last Tuesday and hadn't lost anything because of the trip to London: check out those petit fours on the recent London post. I blame them. I have had a good week this week and get weighed tomorrow. All is on track- I am not slacking.

And university. My 'the bible and culture' module starts tomorrow. I am hoping to write an essay on this topic. That reminds me.... better go and do the reading....


Expat mum said...

Have tagged you if you can be bothered.

Renie Burghardt said...

Ah, those petit fours would get me, too! Yummo!

Glad your on track, Jo!



Busy Bee Suz said...

I wondered about that London trip and the good food/drink....

Putz said...

i am a friend to tisme2 gail from northcumberland, and have a grand daughter andrea who is bussing from london to edinberg in scotland going through cambridge, bath sterling....ect so where in the heck are you???will she be passing by so she can wave?????

Putz said...

oh and also are you near york by any chance??????