As you may have spotted there have been lots of jokes and inspirational stuff but not much of me.
I have been up to my eyes in work, socialising and generally being very busy. All positive stuff and positive stress. But no time to write really...
University starts again tomorrow which will gently propel me back into a more bookish and reflective frame of mind. I do miss the blogging, both my own and reading other people's, and look forward to designing in more time to do it again soon. I miss you all!
It's the same with pals isn't it? Sometimes it's hard to catch up. The main thing is to let people know you are thinking about them, missing them and sending positive warm wishes across the airwaves.
What has been taking up my time? The business is very busy ( and thank God for that especially in current troubled times) and I have some big projects on. I am back over in the North East quite a bit with clients that I love working with. We are planning to move into offices soon ( we need the spare room and the kitchen table back again...) which is really exciting and are looking for an administrator to organise us.
I have been researching and investigating a new diet plan for November ( after my hols end October), running round after teenager and his various sporting adventures, seeing good friends ( my friend B is emigrating to Seattle soon and she came to see me at the weekend to say goodbye.... I will miss her but will enjoy visiting in May next year- exciting...) and trying to keep the house in order!.
It's all go!! On Monday I am off to Corbridge again for three nights... and taking mum along. She needs cheering up: Jonny Wilkinson has a dislocated knee and maybe out of rugby til Christmas. Damn shame- he's a great player and wonderful eye candy too. The Falcons will really miss him. Check out Jonny's fab new book ' Tackling Life' -it's great stuff.
Give B my details. She might have a few questions when she gets here. Starting a blog might help - then she can ask all the expat Brits!
I'm glad you are keeping so busy, and that business is good, even if it does leave you little time for extra curricula activities. It's been a busy old couple of weeks for moi too.
I wish your friend lots of luck in her new home.
B and I chatted about her getting in touch with Expat mum, when B moves to Seattle. B already has a wealth of 'how does that work then?' and I wish we had known that' stories (her husband is already over in Seattle getting settled in, buying houses, cars and the like. He started his job a while ago, and is getting to know a little of corporate US I suppose. We are going in May and I am so excited! Bill Gates: watch out!
Husband and I are great rugby fans (son used to play for Harlequins) - a great shame about Jonny, he has such bad luck.
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