This post is dedicated to Expat Mum. She wasn't aware there is a Carlisle Football Club. Well- here it is. Brunton Park. The reason it came to my mind- I passed it yesterday on the way to a meeting. The fans are absolutely dedicated and although I don't support them I am always pleased to see them do well. I have given you the link so you can visit their website!
Mum came with me for the trip and we went to a lovely restaurant for lunch after the meeting. We got parked right outside ( miracle) having got our hands on a parking permit ( second miracle). The restaurant ( an italian) was called Adriano's. It was very tasty. It is in the middle of Carlisle City Centre, opposite the Civic Centre.
When I returned home I turned my mind to the re-cycling puzzle. We have news here locally that there are piles and piles of recycled paper and tins piling up because the usual purchasers of the material (presumbably for manufacturing the next lot of stuff) aren't buying it because of the credit crunch. As a result, the recycling is being landfilled. How frustrating is that? I am not naturally 'green' but happy to do my bit if the facilities are in place. I wonder how true those headlines are? Anyway, I will plough on.
Woolworth's. Now in administration and its future is looking uncertain. Since it has happened lots of people have 'come out the closet' and told me they are regular shoppers there. I have no objection to the store at all but I wouldn't say I was a regular visitor. In fact, I can't remember when I visited the store last. Anyone else in the UK fond of it? I think the main problem is it hasn't kept up with the times and the competition has subsumed it. Pity- it's been around a long time.
And finally, today. We are off to Lancaster for my hospital check up ( huge bore) then off to a meeting at Starbucks in Preston ( hurray- what a great venue for a meeting). I hope they have decided to bring back the egg nog latte. Apparently it is not on the UK Christmas menu this year : other half and teenager are distraught. It's a bit too sweet for me but they love it.
Hope everyone has a good day and a fun weekend!
Thanks for the enlighenment. Well I never. And good luck in Lancaster. x
Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. COme back anytime. I have enjoyed yoru blog as well, and I will add you to my blogroll... so I will be back soon!
Have a great weekend.
Hi Jo,
My goodness, haven't heard the name Woolworths in ages. I think they closed up shop in the States many years ago.
Starbucks is always a good choice. Egg nog latte? Hmm, I wonder if we have it around here? Must find out.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Renie, who is a bit lonely tonight, since her family just left a few hours ago. :(
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