Other half and teenager are off to the Theatre of Dreams today. For the confused- this is the home ground of Manchester United which is called Old Trafford.
Other half, despite his origins ( born and bred North Easterner) is a glory boy, or prawn sandwich man, as fans from other clubs like to call Man Utd fans. I can't understand why he supports them and will enjoy tormenting him about it on a daily basis for the rest of our lives. As a proud Geordie girl, I will always be a proud Toon Army supporter. We may not have the silver ware folks but we have hearts of gold...anyway... I digress....
Since it is his 40th birthday shortly I was gracious and entered an auction to get him two tickets for today's game which is against Stoke. They are going to have eats and drinks in the Red Cafe and kick off is at three. I think it will be a real experience. Teenager is excited, and so is his dad.
Myself? I am off to continue my campaign of Christmas shopping at the Trafford Centre near the football ground. It has one of my favourite shops in it - Selfridges. This sells my favourite wonderful smelling treats- Jo Malone (if you haven't discovered their products yet you are missing a real treat).
Mum is coming with me and once we have deposited the boys at Old Trafford we will head straight to Starbucks for my favourite coffee before tackling the Christmas shopping once again.
* a footnote. Don't worry about teenager's allegience. He is a die hard Toon Army man. My dad and I worked very hard on this when he was a wee mite, and successful indoctrination was achieved. Other half tried hard, but the black and white army claimed another one for its own.
Hi Jo,
Since I'm not familiar with English sports, I am not sure about the game your husband and son are attending, but I'm sure they will have fun. As will you, shopping with your Mum. Shopping is always fun, especially if one stops for a treat at Starbucks!
Take care!
I know my hubby would love to go there as well, depsite him being an ardent Carlisle United fan!!!
The Christmas post will be up tomorrow, I posted it by mistake today, then deleted it, then re-did it. What that tells you is that I can't talk on the phone and be posting on my blog at the same time!!!
Although not an ardent football supporter, as a Lancashire lass, I do follow Man U.
The last time I went to Old Trafford was in the days when Georgie Best and Bobby Charleton played. Yikes, now I am showing my age.
Carlisle United! What league are they in. I didn't know there was such a team!
I hope you and yours had a great time ... Me? The thought of a tall black coffee from Starbucks sounds really great right about now. lol
Thank you for the visit to my humble lil blog!
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