I got this meme from Clippy Mat and Busy Bee Suz ( thanks gals). Clippy has give me O and Suz has given me H. Here are the rules, before I do mine.
1.Leave a comment on this blog and I will assign you a letter.
2. Write about ten things you love that begin with said letter.
3. Post the list on your blog.
4. When people comment on your list, you assign them a letter, and the game continues.
So.... letter O
1. Oba Martins- the wonderful NUFC player who does wonderful gymnastics when he scores. Other than Shay Given he is my favourite player. Injured at the moment. Oba- we miss you.
2. Orlando. I love that place. Have been lots and I can't wait to go back.
3. Olives. I really like an olive with a glass of wine, or on a pizza.
4. Oranges. Satsumas particularly. Have to be easy to peel.
5. Orient Express. Other half, are you reading this? I would love to go on a trip on this train.
6. Oscar Wilde. Always the source of a great quote.
"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world"
There is an example, to ponder on.
7. Ollie Phillips. Rugby player and one of the most charming men I have ever met. Plays for the wonderful Newcastle Falcons.
8. Opal. My favourite aunt got me a wonderful pendant for Christmas to match the lovely earrings she got me last year. Note to self. Must do a photo!
9. Overbusy This is me, and this is the way I like it. Lots going on. I need to remember to chill out, rest and enjoy the moment though and I am so much better at doing this these days.
10. Overweight. But not for long, I have been on my diet for three full days!!!!
I will do H in my next post, after my breakfast!
You are too funny...overweight and then eating breakfast in the same breath. irony. :)
Olives.....I can't even stand the smell of them!!!!
"...on which to ponder". Really. Call yourself an English grad.
Well done, Jo. O would have been a tricky one to do. I'd love to take a trip on the Orient Express too.
And good luck with the diet. Are you following a particular diet regime, or just cutting down in general?
Hi Jan
I am on a very strict VLCD ( very low cal diet) which I will blog about very soon.. watch this space. Have just finished day four and doing well
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