Fourteen days exactly and I have lost eleven pounds!
My good friend A now nicknames me the 'skinny bird'.
Not quite, not quite.....but hope springs eternal........
Thanks everyone for your kind words and support. The programme I am on is called Lighterlife -if you are interested click the link.
I went to class last night ( in Preston! An hour away but its worth it- I am determined) and we have started to think about why we think about food the way we do, and where we have got our beliefs and views from. Interesting stuff.
My primary motivation for doing this is- health, health and health. But.... am I looking forward to new clothes and skimpy underwear? Hell yes!
Looking forward to seing the 'skinny bird'. Good luck with the diet.
Your post has reminded me that I need to do something about my New Year's resolution and start going to the gym.
So good for you. you make me laugh...skimpy underwear??? So funny.
eeh hinny, watch ye divn't faal doon the drain will ye?
take pictures.
before you shrink away to nowt. well done tho' i'm delighted for you.
Wow - seriously impressed. Well done.
New clothes and skimpy undies seems to me to be the best incentive. Health is a harder concept to grasp, but smaller clothes? 11 pounds in 2 weeks? Sweetie, you are soooo doing it right! Show us those gorgeous clothes when you get them, and keep us honest by posting your wonderful progress...maybe we'll all be more inspired!
Kind words - much appreciated folks. Will post again next Wednesday of weight loss progress, and a bit more about the plan.
Good luck with it. Couldn't get the link and am curious.
Bloody brilliant, Jo.
I love it....you crack me up!
Thanks for the link...
Good luck! And way to go already!!!!
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