I don't know if this happens to anyone else out there? A day which starts at a normal pace but ends up completely frantic with one unexpected interruption and phone call after another?
Yesterday I had a 'home day' planned. I don't get many of these and I look forward to them because ( usually) I get loads done. I had a conference call booked at ten, then various telephone calls ( out) planned, a visit from a good friend for a cup of tea, and some jobs to get on with.
I should have known when the traffic lights on the way to school were acting in a bizarre way that the universe had some fun in store. We were stuck on red. The other way were stuck on green ( lucky for them). The workmen were looking on ( cups of tea in hand) with curiousity. Sigh. The other road to school is closed for resurfacing work....great planning as usual by our lovely council responsible for highways which is based an hour north, most of whom appear to be on the sherry when it comes to this area ( chief engineer are you listening?).

Anyway. I had a quick cuppa with pals then returned here for my home day. Then it started.
The phone would not make calls out, but would accept calls in. I had to do the conference call on the mobile. The call took an hour and a half. Bill- frightening thought.
The phone never stopped ringing all day. The land line and the mobile in a lovely duet of noise, from morning til close of play. Even people I hadn't spoken to you for years ( yes years). It was bizarre. I started laughing ( to myself) at some point in the day ( this is not a good sign I fear).
When my friend came round for a cup of tea, I told him that I had hidden both phones under a cushion and was going to ignore them. Guess what?
Today, I am going to the hairdresser. It is going to be a long appointment. The phone does not work in there. If it did, I would leave it in the car. I am going to read the paper and drink coffee and relax my frazzled brain.
By the way- hello to everyone who called yesterday. It was great to talk............
Glad you still have you sense of humour!
I have many a day like this, all planned out... FATAL. nothing ever goes to order if the world knows you have a plan.
Enjoy the hairdressers. Oh and fantastic news on the weight loss, well done.
Love Granny (*!*)
some days I curse the phone, as just because I am home all day, doesn't mean I just sit by the phone waiting for it to ring!!!!
It was an strange day for you though!!
Gill in Canada
so funny...well, not for you...but for me the reader. I hope today is better for you.
Our phone for the last 6 months only could make OUTGOING calls. NO incoming. It was pretty convienent since I dont' like talking on the tele.
Sounds like a normal day chez moi!
It's a good thing you can laugh about it. I hope you had a soothing time at the hairdresser.
it's crazy sometimes. did you enjoy the pampering at the hairdressers? that's my favourite thing to do.
Ya...I hate those days...hate them...
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